
Get the toned, sculpted body you want with PHYSIQ

Non-surgical body contouring is on the rise and provides a way to help you achieve the physique you’ve been working for.

PHYSIQ body contouring uses a combination of heat and energy to reduce fat and tone muscle, and get your body to that “next level”.

PHYSIQ targets problem areas for optimal, natural-looking results with NO DOWNTIME.

What can I expect before, during and after the PHYSIQ treatment?

Prior to your procedure, avoid sun exposure to the treatment area and ensure any hair is shaved prior to your treatment.  

Once you arrive in our office, you will be made comfortable and your provider will place up to four applicators spaced along the desired area and secure them with a PHYSIQ band.

During your treatment you may feel warmth at the applicator site. Our energy delivery system and unique patient control features ensure optimal comfort.

After your treatment, you should drink plenty of water and avoid direct sunlight on the treatment area.

How long does a single PHYSIQ treatment take?

Each session is approximately 28-36 minutes depending on the treatment location.

Can I treat more than one area in a single PHYSIQ session?

PHYSIQ has four applicators which may be used in sets of two on multiple areas in one single session.

How many PHYSIQ treatments will I need?

The recommendation is five sessions with each session spaced 1-2 weeks apart.  However, everyone is different, so it is important for you to discuss this with your provider.