Dermaplaning is a manual exfoliating treatment that requires the use of a specially designed sterile blade to gently remove dead skin cells and vellus hair (“peach fuzz”) from the skin’s surface.  Dermaplaning can improve the absorption and effectiveness of skin care products.  It also can be an add on service to Hydrafacial® and chemical peels.  After this treatment, your skin will feel smoother, look more vibrant, and leave you with a glowing complexion. Dermaplaning takes approximately 30 minutes for the aesthetician to perform.

We perform a complimentary light chemical peel (no downtime) to help chemically and mechanically exfoliate the skin.

Benefits of dermaplaning:

  • Removes dead skin cells and “peach fuzz”

  • Eliminates dirt and debris

  • Refines pores

  • Improves skin tone and texture

  • Increases absorption and efficiency of skin care products


  • Active acne

  • Open wounds in the treatment area

  • Numerous raised lesions

What to expect:

  • Your skin will be cleansed prior to the procedure. Then using a special blade, your physician or aesthetician will gently scrape the surface of the skin to remove fine hairs and dead skin cells. 

  • Little to no downtime with the ability to return to work or activities. Hair will continue to grow back at the normal rate of growth and equal texture.